There are a variety of art galleries and museums in United Kingdom located in each of the main cities that make up the United Kingdom. There are more than fifty museums and galleries in London alone that display works of art, design, and culture from throughout the globe. London constantly reinvents and refines art and history, from the Tate Group—eclectic and modern—to the Victoria and Albert Museum—the largest collection of ornamental art and design in the world.

Museum culture is also quite robust in the UK. The fact that the vast majority of art galleries and museums do not charge admission speaks volumes. The majority of the artifacts on display are free to see, however, a small number of displays require payment.

The best museums in United Kingdom you don’t want to miss

The following list provides an additional review of the top ten museums in United Kingdom that receive the most visitors.

National Railway Museum

As one of the most well-known museums in United Kingdom, this is the best spot to see the development of railways and trains in Britain. Trains are exciting for people of all ages, and this magnificent location is full with them. Here you can view the fastest steam engine, a Mallard, and a Japanese bullet train. Aside from that, you can see the engineers at work on these trains on the balcony of the workshop

Natural History Museum

Why go? The most famous dinosaur in London, Dippy the Diplodocus, is on display at the Natural History Museum, so taking a photo with him is an absolute must. Dinosaur enthusiasts should visit the Natural History Museum, but don’t let that put you off; there are plenty of other fascinating things to see there as well. The excellent taxidermy and unique perspective on the cosmos will win over even the most hardened cynics. Since studies are ongoing, this place is more like a museum of ideas and exploration.

The British Museum

With 6,820,686 visits, the British Museum far outperforms all other museums in United Kingdom.

Sir Hans Sloane was the former owner of the majority of the items housed in this museum when it was founded in 1753. Over the previous 250 years, it has steadily expanded, and now it houses more than 8 million artifacts, cultural artifacts, and human history pieces from all corners of the globe. Greece and Rome, Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas, Coins and Medals, Prints and Drawings, Conservation and Scientific Research, and the last two are the divisions that make up the nine departments that make up the British Museum. It contains one of the most comprehensive records of human history, spanning from prehistoric periods to the modern day.

Gallery of Modern Art

In 2015, 4,712,581 people visited the Tate Modern, making it the fourth most popular attraction in the United Kingdom. It is the national gallery of modern and contemporary art for the nation and is situated in London.

This museum, which the Queen crowned in May 2000, is one of the foremost organizations dedicated to modern and contemporary art worldwide. In 2004, planning were initiated to expand the facility due to its unexpectedly high popularity. A 10-story tower was constructed over three enormous subterranean oil tanks to provide more gallery space, and the tanks themselves have been transformed into new art spaces. In 2016, the public was allowed access to the tower.

Museum of Arts and Design

In 2015, 3,432,325 people visited the Victoria & Albert Museum. Located in London, England, it was once a component of the Science Museum and the South Kensington Museum.

On its 12.5 acres of property, this museum has 145 separate galleries. Guests of this museum may see relics and works of art from civilizations all over the world spanning five thousand years. The museum has a remarkable array of artwork, jewelry, pottery, costumes, ironwork, prints, and artifacts from the Middle Ages. Furthermore, it has the world’s greatest collection of non-Italian Renaissance antiquities.


Many different cultural and historical events are on display in the UK’s main museums. These museums provide a wide range of artifacts and exhibits, from antiquity to contemporary art, so there’s something for everyone.

There are museums in United Kingdom that will captivate anyone’s attention, whether it in history, art, or science. Consequently, if you find yourself in the United Kingdom, do not miss these intriguing museums that showcase the country’s varied history, culture, and art.


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