Africa is rightfully regarded as the continent that presents the greatest challenge to tourists, although Africa has so many beautiful places you don’t want to miss out. In addition to the high prices, a number of countries are unstable and notorious for having a poor level of crime, and there is frequently insufficient infrastructure for tourism.

I find it intriguing and puzzling that some of the world’s poorest nations are also among the most costly places to visit. It might be particularly challenging for backpackers to see the continent on a tight budget. You still have the chance!

Africa is a large continent with many interesting places to visit. Entering the Masai Mara Kenya meeting is possible while traveling through Africa. You can unwind on a tropical island or take in views of the Serengeti grasslands. Africa is a stunning and diverse continent with a wealth of things to see, do, and learn. Make sure to include at least one location from this list of African must-sees in your next travel itinerary!

Where are the top places to see in Africa? Which safaris are the most breathtaking?

Africa offers a plethora of amazing sights to behold, with various holiday places at your disposal. The list of attractions in Africa is extensive and includes the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, the Sossusvlei Desert in Namibia, safaris in East Africa, the pyramids of Giza, and gorillas in Uganda. Along with these well-known tourist spots, Africa has several less widely recognized gems that you should definitely check out, such Lamu Island, the Meroe Pyramids, and the Simien Mountains!

Though you can find excellent safari parks in other nations like South Africa, the greatest places to go if you’re interested in safaris are East Africa (particularly Kenya and Tanzania) and Botswana. So where are the must-see places in Africa.. check this below.

What are the must-see places in Africa?

What are the best places to visit in Africa?

From Cairo to Cape Town, we travelled by car across the continent, and we have since returned multiple times.

We feel as though we have left our heart behind in Africa every time we travel outside of it. It’s one of our favorite spots on the planet to explore.

When visiting Africa m, here are the must see places you must never miss.

The Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The pyramids are a significant pillar of the Egyptian cultural past, which is incredibly rich and opulent.

The pyramids, which number over 100, are known for their triangular architecture and were constructed as tombs to house the mummies of the pharaohs and their families. These structures have come to represent Egypt.

A wild experience in Serengeti National Park

One of Africa’s most amazing protected regions is Serengeti National Park, which is located in northeastern Tanzania. The Serengeti moniker refers to infinite plains, and that is precisely what the park is made up of. Over 200,000 zebras and over a million wildebeest cross the grassland each year.

One of the most magnificent natural phenomena on Earth is the wildebeest migration, which is a sight to behold.

To greener pastures are migrating hundreds of thousands of gorgeous wildebeest and zebra. The herbivores find the mass movement to be an exhilarating adventure as different predators pursue them, hoping to exploit the vulnerabilities of the late comers.

Animals including cheetahs, lions, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, gazelles, and many more can be seen at the Serengeti National Park. There are two amazing ways to make the most of the Serengeti: hot air balloon excursions and photo safaris.

Victoria falls: Nature in its most spectacular form

The “largest water curtain on Earth” is made up of thousands of tonnes of water pouring downward. Victoria Falls is a stunning waterfall located on the Zambezi River, separating Zimbabwe and Zambia.

From a distance, tourists can see the “Mosi-oa-Tunya” (smoke that thunders) pillars of water spray, and the sound demonstrates the strength of the water flow.

On the Zambian side, there are some rather safe natural swimming pools. This is a tourist must see attraction you must never miss. Thus, remember to pack your cloths (as well as your camera, of course).

The National Park Kruger

Most visitors to South Africa want to get up close and personal with wild creatures. And the Kruger National Park is the ideal place to accomplish that. We are still overjoyed that we were able to visit this place. The park, which is the same size as Israel, is especially striking due to its diverse flora, hip safari vibe, and stunning array of wildlife. We observed a vast array of creatures throughout our week in the park, including lions, hyenas, elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, rhinos, monkeys, antelopes, and other vibrant bird species. Viewing the renowned Big 5 is possible at South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

You can drive about the park and explore on your own or choose from a variety of guided trips. We used both and thought they were excellent forms of transportation. You can unwind and take in the scenery from the jeep while on the guided trips. When driving a car, you have more flexibility, but you still have to maintain constant focus and drive yourself. It presently only costs €23 per day to drive through the park in your own vehicle. Yeah, that’s really affordable. Accommodations are available within or close to the park (Hazyview, Graskop, Marloth Park, etc.).

Why do so few adventurers and backpackers venture to Africa?

You can see from the points I’ve already discussed that traveling to Africa isn’t only full with fascinating places to visit, but it also lacks breathtaking scenery. The expenses, safety, permits, destitution, illnesses, and personal cleanliness are just a few of the many compelling reasons why travelers should plan ahead for Africa. All the same, I can only suggest that everyone take a journey to Africa because it is a unique continent with assured unique travel experiences.

Many questions to plan your trip to Africa? Does Africa have any deadly diseases?  or What should my first aid kit contain?

Unfortunately, Africa is not only recognized for its poverty but also for its vast number of diseases. Malaria is common in various parts of Africa, and West Africa in particular acquired recognition after the Ebola outbreak a few years ago. Many African countries have extremely high HIV rates.

Necessary vaccination before travel

You should be well-vaccinated against various diseases in addition to the ones listed above. You should always have a decent first aid kit with you because, depending on the area and location, medical care may not meet your expectations. Apart from standard medication (for upset stomach, diarrhea, etc.), I’d like to offer you a travel tip: get disposable syringes from your family doctor.

I would prefer to let the doctor use my own syringe in certain hospitals around the world since I wouldn’t trust the sanitary regulations there.

Regretfully, there is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever or malaria; the only effective defense is to use a high-quality mosquito repellent that contains DEET. Please be aware, however, that malaria mosquitoes cannot survive in many parts of Africa (such as a significant portion of Kenya and Ethiopia), and that the danger is higher in tropical areas along the coast.

I would only use prophylaxis if absolutely essential and in isolated areas with a high risk because of the adverse effects. In addition, many pharmacies (like those in Kenya) sell malaria medication, which is typically highly expensive in other countries, without a prescription and for only a few dollars! See a doctor right away if you suspect you may have a tropical illness (ideally to the hospital).

Which vaccines are required for travel to Africa?

You should research the necessary vaccines for your trip, as they differ from country to country, before embarking on a backpacking adventure in Africa. Immunizations against rabies, cholera, meningococcal disease, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and other diseases are either advised or even necessary for travel to specific parts of Africa. The best person to ask for advice is a tropical doctor.

How do visa procedures for Africa operate?

Naturally, this varies greatly by nation, therefore I am unable to give any precise information at this time. Certain countries (like Morocco) require no visa at all, while other nations (like Egypt) allow you to obtain one at the airport or apply for one online swiftly and simply (like Kenya).

Obtaining a visa, however, can be exceedingly challenging and time-consuming in many nations due to bureaucratic procedures.

Particularly the several nations in West Africa are renowned for their expensive and frequently challenging visa requirements. A single visa might cost you more than €100 here! Eritrea, Algeria, and Angola are just a few of the remote nations where obtaining a visa is exceedingly challenging, time-consuming, and requires a great deal of bureaucratic work.

Because of this, I advise you to thoroughly study the nations you have selected for your backpacking journey through Africa and to apply for any necessary visas as soon as possible.

In summary:

1. Is it challenging to visit Africa?

There is no simple “yes” or “no” response to this; it relies on a variety of circumstances.  But I wouldn’t call touring in Africa “easy,” and you’ll undoubtedly need to put some planning into your trip. Still, it’s worthwhile!

Africa is amazing, captivating, and mesmerizing. Furthermore, I can only advise you to read more of our articles.

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Click here to schedule a guided tour in South Africa. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing sightseeing in Cape Town or Johannesburg, hiking Table Mountain or going whale watching in Hermanus. We have a vast selection of amazing trips and adventures on our website. Make a reservation with us right now.

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